Wednesday, January 31, 2007


i shall miss you molly. you were the only populist "smithy" that i ever knew.

lamentably, you have no heirs. and i mean that in the journalistic sense.

i trust that i have been good enough to visit with you on the other side, if any such side exists. if it doesn't, then you lived a "true" life. and i celebrate your sense of humor, your audacity, your integrity.

i shall miss your essays in dugger's old rag.

kyrie eleison
christe eleison

agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
dona eis requiem sempiternam


neither the left nor the right care to contemplate the reality of these tactics...

imagining that the potus, the vpotus would go so far as to order the murdering of usa soldiers by other usa soldiers is anathematic.

but i care to assert that is exactly what happened at najaf the other day. i don't know whether they were special forces, seals, sas, or mercs[blackwater, sandline], but whomever they were are in the employment of the usa.

could even have been mossad, shin bet. or some other secret israeli intell entity.

suffice it to say, this blackop mission was to create an excuse for initiating a war on iran.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


years ago, long before the pacifica revolt manifested itself, i became a critic of the lynn chadwick regime.

things i had to say about that regime, in the early days of the darpanet, received some "greetings". the most interesting was from a ken mccarthy. a san franciscan who saw it the way i saw it.

one aspect of the devolution of pacifica that ken shared with me was lynn chadwick's deal with the devil[ the corporation for public broadcasting].

when i learned that pacifica had sought, received, federal funds, all that happened to kpft during the garland ganter regime, all that happened to kpfk during the mark schubb[sic] regime, all that happened to kpfa after the "firing" of nicole sawaya was revealed to me.

i can assure you that i was an ardent enemy of mofu berry. i did everything this historian could do to try and get the president of the university of pennsylvania to curb her fascism. to no avail.

not being in california, i did what i could to try and get the pacifica "stakeholders" to seize the pacifica assets.

one of the things that i emphasized was that pacifica had to repudiate cpb funding.

spooner opposed that proposition.

and as i learned some weeks ago, pacifica is still sucking the federal teat.

as long as the cpb is a financier of pacifica, to any degree, there will be no more of my monies invested in pacifica.

when pacifica unsuckles, then you will see a restoration of my philanthropy.

and that is the way it is


firstly, it is not the jewish lobby.

it is the israeli [zionist] lobby.

there is a difference. if you don't think so, i recommend that you tune into norman finkelstein and mark elf[jews san frontieres]. and quite often, zymphora provides the mots justes on this issue.

that edwards is "pandering" to the zionists should come as no surprise to anyone who recognizes the real puppeteers in amerika. not only is there "real" money to be obtained from that fifth column, but there is a potential "save harmless" to be gained from the "zionist" -controlled amerikan media.

and of course, there is the view that dictates that bashing islam, arabs, the enemies of israel, curries the favor of the amerikan electorate. that has been the successful methodology for electability for some decades. i think that this invasion of iraq might have altered that equation if deployed successfully for the amerikan electorate.

which means that the "pandering" is a pursuit of funds tactic.

i suppose that is why al gore selected joe lieberman. and how that duo played out continues to go unexamined. was joe a mossad torpedo? did joe know how deeply the mossad owned the bushits? did joe know what mossad false flag operations were forthcoming? and recognized that they could not become operational were al gore to become president?

never forget, what you think you know about recent history has been shaped for you by the israeli intell services. just think of the pivotal roles usg players with dual citizenship have played: yossef bodansky[who created al-quaeda], michael chertoff[who ran the blind mullah], dov zakheim[comptroller of the rumsfeld pentagon who lost how many trillions?], douglas feith. those are the israeli intell agents of whom i am aware. how many others are there?

and what do the israeli intell services have on members of the us congress? knowing what i know, i can assure you they have videotapes of amerikan congresspersons taking israeli bribes. they have videotapes of all the congresspersons that they have inveigled into their honeytraps.

let us never forget, israel does not exist without the largesse of the usa. we take away our financing of that fascist state, israel would have to give up its goal of imperial israel....would have to learn to be neighborly.

when you see a us pol "pandering" to israel, you may be seeing a victim of mossad, shin bet extortion. you may be seeing a pol who believes in conquest and empire...considering israel an avant garde of amerikan imperialism.

you got the thrust of this new contest for emperor accurately. the democratic contestants will do anything that the mossad, shin bet[and their us financiers] tell them to do.

this is the chain that must be broken. will it be? i don't see how with the control over the us media that the zionists have seized.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Standing prohibitions

* Palestinians from the Gaza Strip are forbidden to stay in the West Bank.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter East Jerusalem.

* West Bank Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Jordan Valley.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter villages, lands, towns and neighborhoods along the "seam line" between the separation fence and the Green Line (some 10 percent of the West Bank).

* Palestinians who are not residents of the villages Beit Furik and Beit Dajan in the Nablus area, and Ramadin, south of Hebron, are forbidden entry.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the settlements' area (even if their lands are inside the settlements' built area).

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter Nablus in a vehicle.

* Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are forbidden to enter area A (Palestinian towns in the West Bank).

* Gaza Strip residents are forbidden to enter the West Bank via the Allenby crossing.

* Palestinians are forbidden to travel abroad via Ben-Gurion Airport.

* Children under age 16 are forbidden to leave Nablus without an original birth certificate and parental escort.

* Palestinians with permits to enter Israel are forbidden to enter through the crossings used by Israelis and tourists.

* Gaza residents are forbidden to establish residency in the West Bank.

* West Bank residents are forbidden to establish residency in the Jordan valley, seam line communities or the villages of Beit Furik and Beit Dajan.

* Palestinians are forbidden to transfer merchandise and cargo through internal West Bank checkpoints.

Periodic prohibitions

* Residents of certain parts of the West Bank are forbidden to travel to the rest of the West Bank.

* People of a certain age group - mainly men from the age of 16 to 30, 35 or 40 - are forbidden to leave the areas where they reside (usually Nablus and other cities in the northern West Bank).

* Private cars may not pass the Swahara-Abu Dis checkpoint (which separates the northern and southern West Bank). This was cancelled for the first time two weeks ago under the easing of restrictions.

Travel permits required

* A magnetic card (intended for entrance to Israel, but eases the passage through checkpoints within the West Bank).

* A work permit for Israel (the employer must come to the civil administration offices and apply for one).

* A permit for medical treatment in Israel and Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem (The applicant must produce an invitation from the hospital, his complete medical background and proof that the treatment he is seeking cannot be provided in the occupied territories).

* A travel permit to pass through Jordan valley checkpoints.

* A merchant's permit to transfer goods.

* A permit to farm along the seam line requires a form from the land registry office, a title deed, and proof of first-degree relations to the registered property owner.

* Entry permit for the seam line (for relatives, medical teams, construction workers, etc. Those with permits must enter and leave via the same crossing even if it is far away or closing early).

* Permits to pass from Gaza, through Israel to the West Bank.

* A birth certificate for children under 16.

* A long-standing resident identity card for those who live in seam-line enclaves.

Checkpoints and barriers

* There were 75 manned checkpoints in the West Bank as of January 9, 2007.

* There are on average 150 mobile checkpoints a week (as of September 2006).

* There are 446 obstacles placed between roads and villages, including concrete cubes, earth ramparts, 88 iron gates and 74 kilometers of fences along main roads.

* There are 83 iron gates along the separation fence, dividing lands from their owners. Only 25 of the gates open occasionally.


i think it was a sunday in 1993. the first snowfall.

my girlfriend and i were on our own in manhattan that evening. the voice wrote up a singer by the name of nancy lamott. called her the best cabaret singer in the city. and that sunday was her last performance at tavern on the green.

we booked a rez and walked from 57th @ park while snow fell.

a horribly kitschy space. but the performance was fabulous. chis marlowe at the piano. jay leonhardt on bass. and nancy lamott's fabulous voice.

sad to say, nancy succumbed to cancer at the end of 1996. just after she became noticed. but i play her self-produced cd's from time to time. and continue to be blown away by her finesse.

if you read this, acquire her cd's. i think that they are some of the best jass discs with a vocalist in the last 20 years.


i have not been allowed to post on kos for years. steve gilliard can tell you why - he didn't like me calling him out.

but as to the notion that opponents to the war on viet-nam spit on soldiers - i can assure you, it never happened.

i was opposed to the war before i became a marine. i can recall being attacked by my classmates for my opposition to the war in the summer of 1968. was it 2 on 1? or was it 10 on 1?

who could recall. broken jaw. broken nose. i think my dad, a ww2 vet sued the families of those "patriots". they settled.

it gets more interesting....none of those virulent "patriots" enlisted. all pretended that they were homosexuals when called to their draft physicals and were 4f'ed.

i did enlist. so that no one could ever indict my opposition to that invasion as an issue of cowardice.

but i know who the cowards are in central ohio. i shall never forget them.

FRENCH HEALTH CARE vs AMERIKAN HEALTH CARE you hit me where I have first kidney

My father was a physician so I know all the crap he
had to deal with in the US fighting tooth and nail
with the HMO's that rule these waters. HMO's are
granted powers to over rule a doctor on diagnosis,
treatment, hospital stay, medication and then be left
blaimless if their actions cause a problem or death.
Again as most things here its about the $$$$...over
test, over medicate, over eveything, and prolong
treatment and not cure so that more $$$ can be made.

In 1999 my French doctor found I had a very large
kidney stone...he found this doing an examination in
his tiny office in a village and only using his hands.
He sent me in for xrays and they confirmed that I had
a stone of 4cm. Office exam was $35 and xray cost me
$60. Saw a specialist and his recomendation was
surgery to remove the stone since the ureter was
kinked in one area and that was the cause of the
kidney stones forming. Specialist exam cost me $75
and his cost for surgery was estimated to be $600 plus
hospital stay.

I then went back to the US and saw my doctor since I
wanted to have it removed here as I tought our care
was far better. Saw my GP, then a specialist, then
another, than xrays and injected dyes and in the end I
was out $7400. Recommendation was to go in for
ultrasound treatment to shatter the stone and to pass
all the bits and pieces. And if that did not work
they could always do surgery as a second step... but
they gave me an 85% chance of success using

Sounded interesting to me, no surgery. I had a large
stone once before in 1984 and it was removed in a 3 hr
surgical proceedure. Same doctor as the one I was
seeing so he knew the history. I asked for a cost
since I was paying as I had no insurance in the US at
the time. I was told that the ultrasound would run
between $12k-$15 in total and that if I had to have
surgery it could be double or more on top.

With those types on cost I went back to France where I
had insurance and asked my GP and specialist what they
thought of my US doctors recommendations. They both
thought he was nuts as they said it was impossible for
any small bits to pass the kink in the ureter and that
they would not support that treatment.

Why I choose not to listen I will never understand but
I was hell bent on not having surgery so I went and
saw a few other specialists in France and got the same
answer...not one would touch the ultrasound in my
case. I finally went to the teaching hospital in Nice
and spoke with the doctor who ran their ultrasound lab
and convinced him to try the proceedure. I singed a
waiver that the hospital would not be liable and he
had several call with my doctor in the US about what
they were going to do. One day I went in with
Steph...had a 30 minute ultrasound session, felt
great...walked out and went home.

That afternoon when I was walking to dogs I was hit
with the most god awfull pains I have ever
experienced. Steph rushed me to the local hospital
where they found my kidney had swelled to the size of
a grapefruit. The stone had shattered but none of the
pieces had passed and were blocking it off completely.
I spent 5 days in the hospital.

After xrays and an evaluation by a specialist they
found that the stone had exploded and had lodged many
pieces into the kidney walls. Any surgery to remove
the pieces was out of the question until the kidney
fully healed. Three years went by before the kidney
was healed fully to perform surgery. During that time
I had 3 additional attacks. When I finally had
surgery in France they corrected the ureter probelm
using a micro surgery technique that no one has yet
seen in the US. My doctor had the tape on the monitor
saved for me so I could watch afterwards. They also
widened the whole ureter to the baldder so that in the
future I would pass stones if they formed...again
unheard of in the US. Surgery took 6 hrs...only left
me with two tiny scares less than 1 inch. I stayed in
the hospital 10 days to fully recover..had great food
and care and have never felt better. Total cost for
the whole nut was about $3600... including hospital
stay. And these were foreigned rates not French rates
as the French are fully covered for anything anywhere
in the world. What more can I saw.

In the US that type of surgery would have exceeded
$50k and they would have shoved my ass out the
hospital door in 24 hrs, sent me home with a bag of
meds, and charged me up the wazoo for the follow-ups.

Neither Steph nor I will vere have anything outside of
an extreme emergency done here.....I will gladly fly
to France where I know the system is designed to cure
and not to prolong.....


the sense of smell....

the most unknown mechanism in the operation of the brain.

chandler burr's bio of luca turin, THE EMPEROR OF SCENT, may be the most phenomenal essay into the realm of science in the last few decades.

but then there is turin's recent essay, THE SECRET OF SCENT.

tune in. turin is the einstein of "SMELLING".

Friday, January 26, 2007




it's not funny, you know, how individuals who contest the bushit evidence to conduct an invasion of iraq, will accept the frauds of the NIH. and still support them. even though we know now that fauci, gallo, montagnier, baltimore, ho were promoting fraudulent research.

it is disconcerting..some think that this can be true. in one instance, the government is a prevaricator. but in another instance, the government is not a prevaricator.

these are two important books. i urge you to read them.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

glen beck

a name undeserving of caps.

a very evil individual. who cost me a friendship.

it was a day when mr riggs was listening to this asshole. i just happened to be visiting.

all of a sudden, beck started to denounce the victims of 9/11. specifically the jersey girls. i walked over and turned off that radio.

nothing was said at that time. but the owner of that radio has never spoken to me again.

he is a swallower of the kool-aid. what is so interesting is that he was more than physically qualified to enlist in the vietnam invasion, but found a way to duck it.

his son, another preacher of islamic invasions, is not going to enlist. another sunshine patriot.

and the wife, a fervent christian, believes that whatever that great christian gentleman, george walker bush, wants to do when it comes to murdering muslim noncombatants is quite all right with her faith.

and that is what we are up against...a host of homicidal lunatics, masquerading as christians.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007



when it comes to investigating mohammed atta, kate harris, the gulf coast reptillian mafiyah.

yet, no one wants to accredit his investigation. this response is identical to what the purportedly progressive left did to bob parry.

oh, i know, parry has relinquished his anger. but i think that was a mistake.

you can find danny's real deal stuff at madcownews.

the only journalist going after the zionist establisment.



there must be other reasons that the united states of amerika is/has been such a loser.

such as a "defeatist" press. a "defeatist" fifth column of liberals. yah da yah da yah.

the reasons for amerika's invasion failures over the last 50 years are the insights of amerikan politicians. they have known that the war footage that would be required would not be countenanced. can you imagine the amerikan people being told that they would have to be taxed an additional 50%[or more], would have to be subjected to rationing, would have to submit their children to a draft that would have invested the required number of "boots" in iraq[1,000,000].

gwb employed the jfk/lbj manipulation: in for a dime, in for a dollar. and the amerikan public, believing the deceits concerning the events of 11/09/01, swallowed the agitprop.

there are still some "lefties" today that deplore the invasion of iraq, but applaud the invasion of afghanistan.

as if afghanistan, as a nation, had anything to do with the events of 11/09/01.

neither afghanistan, nor iraq, had anything to do with the events of 11/09/01.

and neither did al-fresco.

when you want to source the perps of that day, you have only to look on israel and the zionists in the bushit regime.

and that is the way it is.


whenever you are in the bay area, try to catch her.



to recant....

but here is the truth that even he fails to relate.

Standing prohibitions

* Palestinians from the Gaza Strip are forbidden to stay in the West Bank.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter East Jerusalem.

* West Bank Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the Jordan Valley.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter villages, lands, towns and neighborhoods along the "seam line" between the separation fence and the Green Line (some 10 percent of the West Bank).

* Palestinians who are not residents of the villages Beit Furik and Beit Dajan in the Nablus area, and Ramadin, south of Hebron, are forbidden entry.

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter the settlements' area (even if their lands are inside the settlements' built area).

* Palestinians are forbidden to enter Nablus in a vehicle.

* Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are forbidden to enter area A (Palestinian towns in the West Bank).

* Gaza Strip residents are forbidden to enter the West Bank via the Allenby crossing.

* Palestinians are forbidden to travel abroad via Ben-Gurion Airport.

* Children under age 16 are forbidden to leave Nablus without an original birth certificate and parental escort.

* Palestinians with permits to enter Israel are forbidden to enter through the crossings used by Israelis and tourists.

* Gaza residents are forbidden to establish residency in the West Bank.

* West Bank residents are forbidden to establish residency in the Jordan valley, seam line communities or the villages of Beit Furik and Beit Dajan.

* Palestinians are forbidden to transfer merchandise and cargo through internal West Bank checkpoints.

Periodic prohibitions

* Residents of certain parts of the West Bank are forbidden to travel to the rest of the West Bank.

* People of a certain age group - mainly men from the age of 16 to 30, 35 or 40 - are forbidden to leave the areas where they reside (usually Nablus and other cities in the northern West Bank).

* Private cars may not pass the Swahara-Abu Dis checkpoint (which separates the northern and southern West Bank). This was cancelled for the first time two weeks ago under the easing of restrictions.

Travel permits required

* A magnetic card (intended for entrance to Israel, but eases the passage through checkpoints within the West Bank).

* A work permit for Israel (the employer must come to the civil administration offices and apply for one).

* A permit for medical treatment in Israel and Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem (The applicant must produce an invitation from the hospital, his complete medical background and proof that the treatment he is seeking cannot be provided in the occupied territories).

* A travel permit to pass through Jordan valley checkpoints.

* A merchant's permit to transfer goods.

* A permit to farm along the seam line requires a form from the land registry office, a title deed, and proof of first-degree relations to the registered property owner.

* Entry permit for the seam line (for relatives, medical teams, construction workers, etc. Those with permits must enter and leave via the same crossing even if it is far away or closing early).

* Permits to pass from Gaza, through Israel to the West Bank.

* A birth certificate for children under 16.

* A long-standing resident identity card for those who live in seam-line enclaves.

Checkpoints and barriers

* There were 75 manned checkpoints in the West Bank as of January 9, 2007.

* There are on average 150 mobile checkpoints a week (as of September 2006).

* There are 446 obstacles placed between roads and villages, including concrete cubes, earth ramparts, 88 iron gates and 74 kilometers of fences along main roads.

* There are 83 iron gates along the separation fence, dividing lands from their owners. Only 25 of the gates open occasionally.


so, john forbes kerry will not be a candidate for president for this next bit of fraudulent vote counting.

what does that tell us?

it tells me that he completed his mission as a loyal "boner". he torpedoed legitimate anti-reptillian, anti-bushit candidates. that he performed his role successfully preserving the incumbency of his "boner" brother - george walker bush.

john forbes kerry was one of those candidates who went looking for defeat. he didn't fight the swift boaters. he didn't fight the vote fraud. in my opinion, his objective was to insure the incumbency of his fellow "boner".

now, why do i say this? it was a speech given by mark crispin miller concerning his analysis of vote fraud in ohio and how kerry dealt with that analysis after learning of it[of course, there were other congressional demtillians who refused to acknowledge what they knew of that vote fraud - miller singles out charlie rangel, for instance].

miller relates how kerry told him how surprised he was to learn of the research into the ohio vote fraud, and how kerry relates that he should have fought instead of acquiescing to the fraud. and then miller relates how after he made this admission public, the kerry acolytes denied that miller had ever met with their boss.

it is this vote fraud problem that i find most disconcerting...both demtillians and reptillians appear to want to ignore the problem. why is that?

my conclusion is that the demtillians pray that someday soon, they will be able to defraud the electorate just like the reptillians did.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


leonard kwan, led kapaana, et alia...

the best guitar playing of the age.

if you don't know the stuff, tune in at dancing cat records.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


i had forgotten what a great singer-stylist he was/may still be.

if you missed his PROFESSIONAL DREAMER album, tune in.

Friday, January 19, 2007


it continues to be the damndest aspect of the commentary into the bushit's cointelpro pogrom.

the echelon program goes unmentioned.

it is almost as if the demtillians, the reptillians have met, made agreements not to discuss ECHELON.

i hear these sighs that the reptillians have contravened the constitution. and i hear these demtillians such as patrick leahy pretend to care about our civil liberties.

still, ECHELON goes unmentioned.

why would it be that this spying program continues to be considered a secret?

i know about it. why don't you?

the nastiest aspect of all this is how pacifica shows refrain from discussing ECHELON. i think of mark bebawi and pokey anderson, who are sheltered by KPFT. who could have discussed ECHELON many months ago. but have refrained from revealing that program to their audience. why i wonder. the influence of cpb dollars?

anyhoo, once you recognize ECHELON, then you will recognize that the state has been bugging the citizenry for years. and that the press has been working assiduously to hide this program from the citizenry. and that press includes the purportedly progressives.

are they all in the employ of the state?

i sure think so.


it continues to be the damndest aspect of the commentary into the bushit's cointelpro pogrom.

the echelon program goes unmentioned.

it is almost as if the demtillians, the reptillians have met, made agreements not to discuss ECHELON.

i hear these sighs that the reptillians have contravened the constitution. and i hear these demtillians such as patrick leahy pretend to care about our civil liberties.

still, ECHELON goes unmentioned.

why would it be that this spying program continues to be considered a secret?

i know about it. why don't you?

the nastiest aspect of all this is how pacifica shows refrain from discussing ECHELON. i think of mark bebawi and pokey anderson, who are sheltered by KPFT. who could have discussed ECHELON many months ago. but have refrained from revealing that program to their audience. why i wonder. the influence of cpb dollars?

anyhoo, once you recognize ECHELON, then you will recognize that the state has been bugging the citizenry for years. and that the press has been working assiduously to hide this program from the citizenry. and that press includes the purportedly progressives.

are they all in the employ of the state?

i sure think so.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


kevin drum seems to have provoked the topic. many have responded.

perhaps i missed the proper consideration. if so, mea culpa.

what i failed to read was anyone discussing the evil empire's real preemptive wars...those virtually secret wars that toppled foreign governments, foreign anti-imperial political movements, without the investment of regular usa forces.

some recognize the most salient ones - iran and guatemala during the eisenhower regime.

but the truman wars destroying the trade union[socialist] movements in france, italy, japan are mostly unremembered.

so, too, the eisenhower manipulations of venezuela go unremembered. and though nixon was showered by rocks and spittle during his visit to caracas as eisenhower's vp, by and large, eisenhower's stasi succeeded in suppressing anti-imperialist political movements in venezuela for another 40 years.

still, on occasion eisenhower had to go beyond spook manipulations and invest troops. don't forget his invasion of lebanon in 1955[sic]. marines were landed to deny an islamic government and install camille chamoun, and the christian, nazi falange as the government of lebanon.

and then there was ike's support and maintenance of papa doc in haiti.

undoubtedly, there are other preemptive spook wars that were conducted during the eisenhower regime.

and that brings us to the fascist jfk regime. he continued all the eisenhower preemptive wars. and added a new special forces[green berets, seals, force recon]. these were semi-secret military orders that could be invested anywhere, anytime, without the knowledge of the congress, the amerikan electorate, on the orders of the potus. they were entitled to commit political do anything to another country and its inhabitants upon the secret orders of the potus.

one of the jfk secret wars that few recognize was the war that jfk conducted against british guiana and cheddi jagan.

and there was another one, where the usa cooperated with the brits, to destabilize and create the nigerian civil war. you might remember it as the biafran war.

this was preemptive, it preserved nigerian hydrocarbon extraction for the british and dutch royal families[royal dutch-shell].

now jfk becomes assassinated. and nothing about the energizing of these secret, preemptive wars of empire changes. lbj conducts himself as imperially as did truman, eisenhower, kennedy. when he discerns that even our south viet-namese puppets would prefer a unification of viet-nam and the end to even limited amerikan occupation, he sends the marines to invade.

when the dominican republic elects an anti-amerikan empire president, juan bosch, lbj sends the marines to invade the dominican republic and remove that regime.

and by the way, during the jfk/lbj eras, coincidentally, the usg is funding the french secret army organization[oas] in efforts to assassinate de gaulle so as to prevent the divestiture of algeria. it was a hydrocarbon thing, don't you know.

and then there are the preemptive seasian wars that go mostly undiscussed. the 1965 cia directed death squads in indonesia - eliminating the pki, an indigenous anti-imperialist political movement that saw sukarno as a puppet of the indonesian hydrocarbon extractors. estimates of those executed in months by the amerikan-directed indonesian military equal the numbers of jews, romas, homosexuals executed by ah from 1933-1945.

now, there is a significant preemptive war.

oddly enough, at the same time, the usa[and its brit allies] is fighting sukarno in the borneo[kalimantan] highlands. the very secret war. waged throughout the lbj era. by the commonwealth sas[uk, canada, australia, new zealand] and seconded special forces, seals. the objective: to prevent indonesia from seizing sarawak[the home of shell transport] and its hydrocarbons.

well, i think by now you should have an understanding as to how preemptive wars are really conducted. surreptitiously if at all possible. this was the reason for the establishment of the school of the assassins[amerikas] at ft benning. we would use the militaries of our client states to conduct the "secret", preemptive wars.

name the countries. honduras. guatemala. salvador. mexico. argentina. chile. ad nauseam.

this is the real thrust of preemptive war. death squads. assassins. imf financial restrictions.

and this effort of preemptive warfare is not limited to other nations. it happens right here....within the continental united states.

in part 2, i shall discuss that domestic preemptive warfare.


let's talk about pre-emptive war for a moment....

odd, isn't it how so many forget blowjob bill and asskissing tony's long-term war on iraq. conducted from 1991 - 2003.

no fly zones. continual aerial bombardment of civilians, and the iraqi infrastructure...such as sewage treatment facilities, water purification facillities, electricity generating facilities.

as all "progressives" should recall, blowjob bill launched more cruise missiles onto iraq than bushit 1 launched.

and of course, we have that female humanitarian secstate, maddy albright, who stated that the usa-britain killing 500,000 -1,000,000 iraqi noncombatants was quite all right.

what is the difference between bj bill and madman george?

quite minimal, upon examination.

old blowjob preferred to just kill iraqis. investing us troops into the maw of death wasn't his shtick.

but then there came his old buddy - and believe, me, bj and george were buddies - who said that nationalities other than iraqi should also be put at risk.

as you should recall, the demtillians had no reservations concerning blowjob bill's psychopathic, homicidal policies concerning iraq. just as they had no reservations concerning bushit 2's homicidal madness.

the only preemptive war that would benefit this planet is the extermination of the leadership of the usa and the uk.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


i shall never forget the night in 1993.

the first snow in manhattan. a sunday.

i had read in the vv of a great chanteuse at the tavern on the green. and she was closing that night.

my girlfriend and i walked from park and 57th to catch her last set.

what a great voice. and what great accompanists. jay leonhardt on bass. chris marlowe on piano.

i continue to think her voice was one of the best i ever encountered. and that marlowe's arrangements were supreme.

after that performance, i never failed to try and catch her shows when travelling into manhattan.

a heartbreaking demise in 1996.

i miss her. you might still find her cd's. tune in. i think you will enjoy her talent.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


orowheat makes this great bread.

discontinued selling it in metro-houston some time ago. and when they did, it disappeared as a product offering on their website.

so, imagine my surprise finding it in LA when i was out there over christmas. bought six loaves and exported them to tejas. froze them.

made a grilled ahi sandwich with it today. it is the perfect accompaniment for grilled ahi.

anyway, i feel that the survival of this dill rye hangs by a thread. so, please, go out and buy a loaf. persuade orowheat[bimbo baking] to keep this in its product line-up.

thnx your help.



find the julia sweeney website. get it. a fabulous bit.

Monday, January 15, 2007


the problems with chait, and his ilk, are these, at the very least...

1. are they secret employees of the state? you know what i mean, are they on the payroll of some usg agency?

2. are they just ignorant of how the world works?

3. are they beholden to some religious order[opus dei, skull & bones, aipac, mossad, shin bet, etc]?

now, why do i say these things? because it is umimaginable to me that chait, or any other commentator with any semblance of historical knowledge, could continue to mis-report the realities of the george herbert walker bush invasion of iraq in 1991.

i have discussed the historical realities of that invasion on a number of occasions. perhaps even at this site. but let me recount them again...

there is this oil field[rumallah] that is bisected by the kuwait/iraq border. in the late 1980's, the kuwait oil company[kuoco] determined that their hydrocarbon production was crashing. collaterally, it was determined that kuwait hydrocarbon production could be supplemented by stealing hydrocarbons from the iraq side of the rumallah field.

the initial step in this project was to acquire the santa fe drilling company - a pioneer in the practise of whipstocking[directional drilling]. after completing this acquisition, emir sabah and his national oil company[kuoco], began whipstocking the rumallah field on iraqi territory.

the record is quite clear that iraqi petroleum engineers noticed this "theft" of iraqi assets. and it is also clear that iraqi intelligence gained access to the kuoco drilling logs, which confirmed the whipstocking across the kuwait/iraq border.

odd, don't you think, how this reality is deprived of "air" in amerika?

perhaps as early as 1989, iraq began to protest this theft by kuwait of iraqi hydrocarbon assets. the emir sabah ignored the private protests.

by 1990, the iraqi govt went public with its protests. in fact, the iraqi govt publicly told the emir sabah that if the whipstocking and the production of iraqi hydrocarbons did not cease, then iraq was going to seize the kuwaiti whipstocking rigs and production assets by force.

this threat, coming from a well-known amerikan intelligence service creation and asset[saddam hussein, prompted the kuwait ambassador to the usa to seek an audience with ghwbush and his consigliere[james baker].

the way i read the response to the kuwait ambassador is that he was told that $25million for bush, another $25million to baker would solve the problem.

this is a very important part of the history to understand....saddam hussein was an agency of a "shake-down" of the emir sabah.

my understanding is that the kuwait ambassador was flabbergasted by this bit of extortion. he departed the oval office. agreeing to no bribing of the potus and his cardinal.

some weeks later, since kuoco was continuing to whipstock and produce from the iraqi side of the rumallah field, saddam hussein went public again with threats to seize those kuoco drilling and production assets unless kuoco ceased its thievery.

once again, the sabah's legate went to the oval office requesting that the usg call off their asset[everyone in the world, other than most citizens of the usa, knew that saddam hussein was our stooge - that iraq was our client state].

on this second meeting, he learned that the price for protection had escalated. rather radically. now the emir sabah would have to cough up $100million for the potus to call off saddam. once again, the ambassador fled the casa blanca, disbelieving that the potus was shaking down his country's gangster regime.

well, i think you may recognize now how this bit of history played out. it was the old game, refuse to pay, the price will escalate. kuoco, owned by the emir sabah, continued its whipstocking, its thieving of iraqi hydrocarbon assets. and at each threat by iraq to seize those assets unless the thieving was arrested, the kuwait ambassador would request an audience with george 1 and learn that the price of protection had escalated[$50,000,000 to start, then $75,000,000, then $100,000,000].

by the time of the april glaspie meeting with saddam hussein, where she gave iraq carte blanche to do what it needed to do to protect its national assets, the price for protection to the emir was at $400,000,000.

after april gave saddam his permission to do what iraq needed to do to prevent the continuing looting of iraqi hydrocarbon assets by kuwait, the emir sabah acquiesced to the extortion of bush/baker. $500,000,000 was transferred into their nominee accounts.

and then desert shield, desert storm were launched.

that is the real history. what a noble venture.

the united states as a caponesque syndicate.

and that is why saddam had to be silenced. why all those that know of that history must be eradicated.

you are never to learn of the dimensions of the bush/baker crime syndicate.

that imperative was what governed the bush1 invasion of panama, by the way. also an op with the mission to secure bush crime family records in panama. and to turn an individual knowledgeable of those crimes into another man in the iron mask.

you encounter a reporter, a pundit, that avoids these truths, then you should know that you are encountering an employee of the state.

and that is the way it is.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


it has been a long time since i drank a chalone pinot blanc.

almost 20 years.

the last time i drank one was thanksgiving weekend, 1978.

my sister was living in little rock[i called it poca roca] and had booked a condo for us at a development near greer's ferry. the red apple inn.

this was dry territory. so i shipped a foot locker of wine for our[my] dining pleasure.

a corkage fee at the restaurant would obtain.

i recall shipping 1970 chateau gloria st julien. and chalone pinot blanc.

it was saturday night. everyone else had retired. i was sitting up, drinking a glass of the chalone pinot blanc, reading, with the television on in the background.

sometime around midnight, the story broke concerning jonestown.

i was up until dawn - following the sty.

since then, i had refrained from drinking chalone's pinot blanc.

yesterday, for some strange reason, i bought a bottle of the 2004 vintage. and opened it tonight to drink with maguro quickly grilled.

a very fine wine. that energizes all those memories of jim jones and the peoples temple. all those memories of the secret state using guyana as a staging area for invasions of west african countries.


i read a letter to the editor the other day. it said that those of us opposed to the invasion of iraq, the ongoing mass murder in iraq, should stop our "whining", discontinue our opposition to the invasion[s] promoted by the most grotesque lies imaginable.

the letter went on to substantiate this proposition by stating that the military actions in iraq were virtually immaterial because so few u.s. military personnel had been killed. only 3,000 the writer wrote.

one could respond by saying that the writer has revealed that he is severely "brain-damaged" by asserting that the deaths of 3,000 u.s. military personnel is virtually immaterial. but it is so much worse than that. the author of that proposition is just phenomenally ignorant.

for instance, let us consider how the bushit regime altered the classification of DEATH in the countries that it decided to invade[afghanistan, iraq].

1. to be considered a combat death, an individual in the u.s. military serving in those countries must be killed straight-away. at that site. how does this concept work? pay attention.....

as an example, let us consider a squad[4] of marines in one of the unarmored humvees with which the republican warmongers supplied u.s military personnel for the invasions of these countries.

the squad of marines is driving down the road beyond the green zone. a sniper shoots and kills the driver instantly - he dies at that site. the humvee overturns, the other marines are seriously injured.

one of the injured marines dies from his injuries while being transported by corpsmen from the site. the other two marines are transported by air to germany for medical treatment.

one dies enroute.

the other reaches germany successfully. he/she receives triage treatment and is then flown to the walter reade[a hospital that the bushits are going to close, by the way] facility in DC. after arriving at walter reade, this soldier dies from the injuries sustained in iraq/ afghanistan.



2. so, let us now reconfigure this incident.

once again, a squad[4] of marines in one of the unarmored hummvees with which the republican warmongers supplied u.s military personnel for the invasions of these countries.

the squad of marines is driving down the road beyond the green zone. a sniper shoots and wounds the driver. the hummvee overturns, the other marines are seriously injured.

the driver dies after being attended to by corpsmen. at the site.

another one of the injured marines dies from his injuries while being transported by corpsmen from the site. the other two marines are transported by air to germany for medical treatment.

one dies enroute.

the other reaches germany successfully. he/she receives triage treatment and is then flown to the walter reade[a hospital that the bushits are going to close, by the way] facility in DC. after arriving at walter reade, this soldier dies from the injuries sustained in iraq/ afghanistan.



any of you out there see something distorted, here?

up until this bushit/cheney/rumsfeld military misadventuring, if you were killed in a combat zone, your death was labelled a combat death. why did bushit/cheney/rumsfeld change that historical classification regimen, do you think?

probably for the same reason that they prohibited press coverage/photographs of caskets returning to the u.s. from iraq, afghanistan.


3. so let us go back and reconsider the number of combat deaths. i have recounted how 5 became 1. and how 5 could be 0.

recognizing that "spin", the combat deaths of u.s. soldiers invested into iraq, and only iraq, could be 12,000+.

personally, i think the number of u.s military combat deaths ranges from 15,000 - 20,000.

in less than 4 years, this puts the bushit military misadventuring right up there with lyndon johnson's/ dick nixon's military misadventuring in seasia.

never forget...what is important is how combat deaths are counted. knowing what i know about the bushit/ cheney/rumsfeld revised combat death accounting standards, i think that you can multiply 3,000 by a factor of 4x to 7x.

4. and that is the death count.

let us now focus on the u.s. military maim count. you ever see an accounting for all those who have lost arms, hands, legs, feet?

another hidden account.

5. and for all you good christian souls, tell me, how do you approve all the noncombatant deaths that have been created/will be created in your name?

since the bushit/cheney/rumsfeld insurgency, 500,000, i think. are you comfortable with that level of homicide?

you must be. because i don't see your protests.

as walter used to say...and that is the way it is. january, 2007.

by the way, until bushit/cheney/rumsfeld, deaths in a combat zone were accurately tabulated. prior to this "spin" regime, when u.s military personnel were wounded fatally, those fatalities would be noted as combat deaths.

i close this way, muse on why it would be that the bushit regime would ratchet down the reality of the deaths sustained by u.s. military personnel in afghanistan, iraq.

could it be that the bushit regime wants you to think that the costs of the investment in usa lives are lower than the reality?

Saturday, January 13, 2007


how many years ago was it on the eschaton site that i identified the paris review as an outfit front? and at least two of its founders as outfit operatives?

i recall being derided for sharing that bit of knowledge. i think i shared it after listening to npr's false history of the paris review following the death of that other operative, george plimpton.

is npr an outfit entity? sure could be. funded by american corps and the cpb.

anyway, today, 13/1/07, the nyt reveals that matthiessen has finally admitted that he was/is an employee of the outfit: that the paris review was an outfit proprietary.

i think that this is an important confession....revealing for us the extraordinary dimensions of the secret police's manipulation of amerikan perceptions.

after all, if the literary journal - the paris review - and its editors are worthy of secret police invention and control, how about the more politically influential periodicals?

such as newspeak, time, the nyt, the wapo, the nation, the nro, et alia.

time to consider that all the outlets of information are agents of the secret police. and that all the employees of those agents are spooks.

Friday, January 12, 2007


female, negro, lesbian secretary of state continues to advocate the murdering of vast numbers of iraqis and amerikan soldiers.


according to the copyright date, it was 1963, my sophomore year in high school, that i became captivated by the ellington band. columbia records reissued on mono LPs ellington recordings from 1927-1940. vol 1 was 3 LPs[C3L27].

i played this music constantly. loved it. some time later, they issued vol 2, another 3 LPs[C3L39].

back then, i preferred the music on vol 1.

these vinyls went everywhere with me. when i was at harvard, i played them constantly. since it was the era of folk music, blues, rock 'n roll, marijuana, acid, psilocybin et alia, the very hip tutors in winthrop house thought i was somehow retarded to be listening to this jazz from the 1930s. and i confused them, i was hanging out at club 47 and booking bands[chambers brothers, etc] for mixers.

since i have the bad habit of never throwing anything away, i still have these collections. i have listened to all of the cd reissues of ellington's stuff, but in my opinion the versions on these 6 vinyls are the best. and they have never been reissued in the cd format.

i am recalling these thoughts, these memories tonight, because i am playing a new collection of the ellington past issued by mosaic. thank you, michael cuscuna, for sponsoring this recapturing of great music.


a fabulous production. thank you scott wenzel and steven lasker

i recognize that not everyone out there gets this jass. but try it. you might just find that you like it. it will provoke happy, dancing feet.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


dear val, if you want to see your memoirs published, you must relocate your family to another country. here are my suggestions... ecuador, bolivia, venezuela. possibly chile. china, perhaps. it is rather astonishing what great photo books are being printed in china these days.

but you will never get the outfit to approve your manuscript for publication in this country. it will do to you what it did to snepp and stockwell[and who else?].

and why were you so naive to think that you could obtain permission to publish?

that is the real mystery.


it appeared in the friday, 5/1/07, FINANCIAL TIMES. page 9.


written by one of the most monstrous zionist gangsters looting the amerikan treasury, investing amerikan children into the zionist, imperialist war.

a dual passporter. a rabbi.

an individual who had a financial interest in mechanisms for remotely-controlling aircraft.

an invidual who was probably the mossad, shin bet action officer for the events of 11/09/01.

i think that this essay reveals everything about the israeli objectives for the deployment of amerikan children and monies.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


why can't they do it? why do they refuse to do it?

what is "it"?

authentic huevos rancheros.

what is it about hotels in LA that causes them to improperly prepare this very simple dish?

it is on the breakfast menu of the bel-air, the park hyatt. and others i think. i know it was on the breakfast menu of the beverly hills hotel - but i didn't have the courage to be disappointed by what i felt would be yet another abortion.

none of these preparations use any chiles. neither do they use any spicy chorizo. and they use so much sour cream. and invent such a production that it is inedible.

huevos rancheros is a cowboy breakfast.

how it is best prepared, layered[or how i like it]....

1. 1 or 2 corn tortillas. warmed to 350F

2. slathered with refried black beans.

3. 1 egg over medium.

4. cover with salsa. warm it beforehand in the microwave. i like la victoria's salsa ranchera[IF YOU DON'T MAKE YOUR OWN].

5. some like a dusting of asiago cheese. i don't. but if you do, go for it.

6. not finding a chorizo that i like. i accompany this with a pork sausage from elgin, tx. cut a link into 1/2-3/4 slices and fry at medium heat.

7. i like to do this on sundays with sparkling wine. i am keen on the gruet variants.

lots of bubbles. lots of fruit. in my opinion, the best brut rose that you will ever find. kicks laurent perrier in the ass.

viva chihuahua.


it would not be the first time that the usg used swabbies to orchestrate a war.

in fact, the last great defeat of the usa was administered by an admiral swabbie... ULYSSES GRANT SHARP.

many remember general westmoreland. but sharp was his boss.

now, why was it that the navy had command of us forces in seasia? because lbj and mac determined that we were going to use carrier-launched aircraft to bomb the usa to victory...and that no slanty-eyed "gooks" were going to be able to resist that level of naval bombardment.

sharp was cincpac from the overt invasion of vietnam in 1964 until tet in 1968.

in the chain of command, he was the guy in charge of macv.

when you learn of another swabbie admiral assuming command of a ground war, you can assure yourself that carrier-launched aircraft and cruise missiles are on the hor d'oevres platter. and you can assure yourself that there is a distinct possibility that new invasive battle plans are being implemented.

the real disbursement of homicidal assets to watch for is the usaf at diego garcia, qatar. watch for deployment of b52's.

engorged and dick'em are masons. belonging to a templar lodge. a crusader lodge. and they are intent on eliminating all of islam.

the religious war that will end all life on this planet. and it is happening with no one noticing. or perhaps there are those noticing...such as the fundamentalist christians and catholics that i encounter. all of them seem to think that the extermination of islam is a good idea.

beam me up scotty.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


so, here the whale rises again. discuss the role of the israeli intell services and the pejorative of anti-semite, anti-jew is invoked.

that card must be squelched asap.

if perle, wolfowitz, feith, bodansky, abrams, kristol, et alia were catholics, i would be denouncing the catholic church and its orgs - opus dei and the jesuits.

but these warmongerers are not catholics. they are jews. and zionist jews who have discovered how easily the amerikan populace can be cowed.

the illusion that has been created over the years is that israel just wants to live in peace. total hogwash. zionist israel has always been an erstwhile imperialist. and best of all, for them, they have seduced the usa to finance their imperialism.

i sometimes think about gangsters. odd isn't how the image has been created by the media that the mob are italians[sicilians]. think on the sopranos.

but, the history of the mob in amerika is much larger. meyer lansky. ben siegel. arnold rothstein. the purple gang. et alia.

why don't we get a sitcom identifed as the SIEGELS, THE LANSKYS? instead of watching catholic, christian italians[sicilians]being mobsters, ordering whack jobs while they eat their pastas, why aren't we seeing families with yarmulkes, eating matzo and gefilte, ordering whack jobs?

the oddest disinfo agent is yossef bodansky. the creator of the legend of osama bin laden. a rabbi and a dual-passporter. before the book, bin laden: the man who declared war on amerika, appeared, bodansky wrote a few anti-muslim books that were printed under the imprimatur of the rabbi friedman foundation in houston, tx.

bodansky is a character that has gone unexamined for some reason. who has very thin skin. and refuses to be interviewed, except for one very strange occasion shortly after 11/09/01..on cspan's washington journal.

in 1993, bodansky had a book published by shapolsky entitled TARGET AMERICA:TERRORISM IN THE US TODAY. at the time, bodansky was the director of the republican task force on terrorism and unconventional warfare.

now, shapolsky is a proprietary publisher.

other interesting aspects of this book. within hours of the events of 11/09/01 agents of the usg removed all copies of it extant within the usa.

my favorite story concerning bodansky was his only appearance on television. it was on cspan's washington journal. he was being interviewed about the evil muslim, the saudi[cia asset] usama bin laden and his novel.

a caller asked him about target america and his role as a republican agent in the us conngress. he became quite agitated. refused to answer, saying that he was on cspan only to discuss his book on bin laden.

the caller wouldn't take that answer and tried to push that issue. bodansky walked off the set.

no mention of this occurred anywhere in the legit press.

bodansky is a foreign agent.

and the rabbi friedman foundation members are those responsible for keeping george walker bush out of jail. when he was busted for cocaine, it was this group of zionists that interceded with the harris county court and got this bushit released to some months of community service.

that is part of the hook the zionists have over the bushies. but mossad and shin bet have so much more.

and by the way, the crimes of the israel fascist state are routinely discussed in the israeli media. it is so odd that in the usa, what is discussed in haaretz, is not allowed to be discussed here. and in fact, if one does try to discuss these truths in the usa, one is denounced as an anti-semite.

even more to the point about how perceptions in the usa are manipulated, travel outside of the usa. and tune in cnn. or other news orgs. you will see carnage that is excised from the view of the amerikan audience.

who dictated that censorship? catholics? protestants?

reality intrudes once again. jews.


so, here the whale rises again. discuss the role of the israeli intell services and the pejorative of anti-semite, anti-jew is invoked.

that card must be squelched asap.

if perle, wolfowitz, feith, bodansky, abrams, kristol, et alia were catholics, i would be denouncing the catholic church and its orgs - opus dei and the jesuits.

but these warmongerers are not catholics. they are jews. and zionist jews who have discovered how easily the amerikan populace can be cowed.

the illusion that has been created over the years is that israel just wants to live in peace. total hogwash. zionist israel has always been an erstwhile imperialist. and best of all, for them, they have seduced the usa to finance their imperialism.

i sometimes think about gangsters. odd isn't how the image has been created by the media that the mob are italians[sicilians]. think on the sopranos.

but, the history of the mob in amerika is much larger. meyer lansky. ben siegel. arnold rothstein. the purple gang. et alia.

why don't we get a sitcom identifed as the SIEGELS, THE LANSKYS? instead of watching catholic, christian italians[sicilians]being mobsters, ordering whack jobs while they eat their pastas, why aren't we seeing families with yarmulkes, eating matzo and gefilte, ordering whack jobs?

the oddest disinfo agent is yossef bodansky. the creator of the legend of osama bin laden. a rabbi and a dual-passporter. before the book, bin laden: the man who declared war on amerika, appeared, bodansky wrote a few anti-muslim books that were printed under the imprimatur of the rabbi friedman foundation in houston, tx.

bodansky is a character that has gone unexamined for some reason. who has very thin skin. and refuses to be interviewed, except for one very strange occasion shortly after 11/09/01..on cspan's washington journal.

in 1993, bodansky had a book published by shapolsky entitled TARGET AMERICA:TERRORISM IN THE US TODAY. at the time, bodansky was the director of the republican task force on terrorism and unconventional warfare.

now, shapolsky is a proprietary publisher.

other interesting aspects of this book. within hours of the events of 11/09/01 agents of the usg removed all copies of it extant within the usa.

my favorite story concerning bodansky was his only appearance on television. it was on cspan's washington journal. he was being interviewed about the evil muslim, the saudi[cia asset] usama bin laden and his novel.

a caller asked him about target america and his role as a republican agent in the us conngress. he became quite agitated. refused to answer, saying that he was on cspan only to discuss his book on bin laden.

the caller wouldn't take that answer and tried to push that issue. bodansky walked off the set.

no mention of this occurred anywhere in the legit press.

bodansky is a foreign agent.

and the rabbi friedman foundation members are those responsible for keeping george walker bush out of jail. when he was busted for cocaine, it was this group of zionists that interceded with the harris county court and got this bushit released to some months of community service.

that is part of the hook the zionists have over the bushies. but mossad and shin bet have so much more.

and by the way, the crimes of the israel fascist state are routinely discussed in the israeli media. it is so odd that in the usa, what is discussed in haaretz, is not allowed to be discussed here. and in fact, if one does try to discuss these truths in the usa, one is denounced as an anti-semite.

even more to the point about how perceptions in the usa are manipulated, travel outside of the usa. and tune in cnn. or other news orgs. you will see carnage that is excised from the view of the amerikan audience.

who dictated that censorship? catholics? protestants?

reality intrudes once again. jews.


there are some on the left coaster site that are outraged by sheehan's raining on the parade. forcing the mossadist, rahm to take his ego elsewhere. here is how i view the episode...

i think that sheehan recognizes the real issue...the control that the israeli intell services have achieved over the congress of the united states of amerika.

and i think it to be a level of control founded on bribery, blackmail. think the rabbi jack abramoff.
and rabbi feith. rabbi chertoff. rabbi bodansky. rabbi perle. and how many others?

as long as the israeli intell services are controlling the congress, the perpetual war for perpetual peace will continue. never forget, it is just not the invasion of iraq that is ongoing. the israeli agitprop agents have done a very slick job as painting the enemy as muslims. re-creaating the crusade. so we are still engaged in an almost abortive invasion of afghanistan. we financed the recent israeli invasion of lebanon. we finance the israeli invasions of palestinian territories. and we are probably preparing to finance some kind of unwarranted military actions against iran, syria.

these homicidal activities are not in the interest of the united states of amerika. why must it be that the united states must function as the financier, the armorer, the protector of israel?

carl levin, i think, has today revealed that he will not oppose the addition of more amerikans as targets. why? there is no chance of the united states of amerika mastering all these invasions/occupations without the usa going to a total war footing. universal conscription. massive armaments manufacturing. rationing. etc.

is carl levin jewish? i think so. is he a zionist?
does he, like many others, hold an israeli passport?

must be, because any senator advocating the sacrifice of more amerikan soldiers is not acting in the interests of the usa.

and, of course it is not just the sacrificing of amerikan soldiers, it is the "collateral" damage, the murdering of the noncombatants in those countries that we, and our surrogates, have invaded. the total destruction of countries that never attacked the usa, never allied themselves with anyone who attacked the usa. in fact, the usa has never been attacked since the war of 1812.

i could say so much more about the long-term reluctance of the democratic party to spurn the warmongering of this evil empire. and cindy sheehan knows that history, i think.

she knows that the democratic party was more than willing to allow the reaganauts to conduct war throughout central america and the southern cone. and she knows that the democratic party was more than willing to ignore the falsehoods of ghwbushit's invasion of iraq in 1991. and she knows that the democratic party was quite comfortable with bj bill's and ak tony's invasion of the balkans, and aerial domination of iraq...the sanctions' regime that destroyed that country and was responsible for the deaths of thousands of iraqi non-combatants[by this date, probably more than a million].

no, cindy sheehan understands the democratic party all too well. as do i. as should you. by now.

the final question...why haven't we been out in the streets? protesting the war. opposing the fascist bastids, demtillians and reptillians, who prolong this bout of mass murder?

it is because we have allowed the israeli intell services to paint the conflict as godly christians versus "terrorist muslims".

cindy sheehan sees it accurately, until masses of usa citizens get out into the streets demanding the end of the war, the congress of the usa will continue to do the bidding of the mossad, the shin bet, the munitions manufacturers, the war profiteers. only by massive anti-war protesting will the demtillian shills become scared enough about the likelihood of preserving their incumbencies that they will end these illegal invasions, occupations.

and that is the way it really is.and will always be.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


as a rule, i am not real keen on poultry.

some decades ago, it had flavor. and then it became the target of amerikan agribusiness.

for thanksgiving, i much prefer to prepare a standing rib roast.

chicken in my "growing-up" era was a killer because my mom knew how to fry it. she ruined that technique for me, forever. i retired her cast iron skillet as a tribute.

but when i moved to houston in the early 1970's, there was this family[the jamails] that owned and operated what i determined to be the best grocery store in north america. albert jamail, who managed it up until his secret gambling and womanizing debts came due, did understand ingredients. it was albert who arranged for the supplying of free-range quail, cornish game hens.

i have yet to find the cornish game hens of the quality and flavor that albert jamail provided. but, i think that i am getting close to the quality of the quail.

there is nothing that i like better than quail on the barbie. my receipt.....

2 quail per person. i prefer them with the breast bones, but that is becoming tough to find. don't use the birds from cavendish game farms -- they are quite irresponsible in the way that they ship the birds. they might make you very sick.

though i prefer them "fresh", it is so difficult to learn how "fresh" they are, i now prefer frozen. hole foods supplies them from an ontario, canada game farm. semi-boneless.

and don't ever acquire birds raised at a shooting gallery. they will be tougher than baseballs. birds raised for being shot at - flyers - are unsuitable for eating.

thawing them in the 'frige, before they are completely thawed, put them in doubled gallon ziploc bags. so that you can marinate them for 48 hours.

my marinade[for 4 birds]....

2 whole heads of garlic
4 habanero chiles
2 serrano chiles
2 cherry peppers

liquefy in a blender with 8 oz of tequila

4 oz of toasted sesame oil

the remainder of the blender, fill with sunflower/safflower oil.

1 tablespoon of molasses, honey, or cane sugar syrup.

after immersing them in this marinade, put them back in the 'frige.

prepare them for the barbie this way....

two slices of pancetta. secure it to the breast side with well water-soaked long toothpicks.

use hardwood charcoal.

with the coal red to moving into the white zone, place the birds over the coals breast side up. 4 - 5 minutes.

with the coals into the white zone, flip the birds. lower the coals if you can. another four minutes.

then, take the birds off of direct heat, throw some well-soaked mesquite onto the coals, lower the hood, smoke for 15 minutes.

pull the birds off the grill. just to be on the safe side, finish them in a microwave on high for 1 minute.

before serving, squeeze the fresh juice of a sweet palestine lime onto them.


Monday, January 01, 2007


today was the day. the management of a freezer that had become so stuffed that no new stuff could be introduced.

i am a great procrastinator. a great collector. but this freezer was filled with stuff that took my breath away.

there were lots of odd memories in it. the french cut rib roast parts that i used to throw on the barbie on sunday evenings after my dad died when mom would come over for dinner. that ended 10 years ago when she was assaulted in her assisted living facility. mom died last year. i suppose i continued to hold onto those rib cuts in the belief that as long as they were around, so was her aura. but the time does come to let it go.

and then there were all those steaks from the 20lb king salmon caught some years ago. having caught the fish, i guess i just couldn't eat the fish.

all of these were vacuum packed. possibly salvageable. but possibly not. after all, hurricane rita had shut down this freezer for some hours in 2005.

i can say that vacuum packaging for freezing is a great techology. i could recognize these contents.

and they might have been resuscitatible [sic]. but it was the icebergs in ziploc bags that consumed me....what had they been? i let them thaw. just for my education.

lamb chops.


john mackey has taken a leave of absence.

two years too late.

his creation, whole foods, has lost its vision.

probably because mackey made so much money from going public that he lost touch with the market. and of course, mackey is a reptillian. a bushit. oh, he says that he is a libertarian. but i think we know what that means.

a student of grocery stores, supermarkets, i have watched mackey's corpse losing it.

in houston, i used to shop exclusively at whole foods. and then h e butts decided to come after mackey. better meat. better produce. lower prices.

i don't do much shopping at mackey's stores in houston these days.


sadly, i own some stock in mackey's now lackluster chain of grocery stores.

whole foods can be had. will be had. why it was that no one noticed how ineptly it was managed is the question of this era of grocery marketing.

perhaps because until recently, all the other grocery chains were even more ineptly managed. but that has changed.

h e butts has decided to kill 'em. and based on my experiences - he will.


if i was the leader of another hydrocarbon nation, i would have noticed that the united states of amerika has decided to be a pariah state - the real locus of the axis of evil. the real terrorist endeavor.

additionally, i would have noticed that the pariah is a paper tiger. no hydrocarbons. increasingly no manufacturing capabilities. no intelligent leadership. a brain-damaged military. no abilities to secure its borders. and bankrupt.

if i were managing certain countries,venezuela for example, i would be closing my borders to the holders of certain passports[uk & usa & israel]. more to the point, i would be ordering the removal of all us/uk/israeli nationals.

the time has come for the world to see the usa, the uk,and israel, for what they are. the new nazis.

the time has come for the world to quarantine these nations. confine its citizens them to their borders.

and wait. wait for the spoils of quarantine to occur. it will not take more than a couple of years. after a quarantine of some months, the usa will be easy pickings. israel will be dead. and the uk? also dead. and impoverished.

and that is the only logical outcome to this hydra that gwbush and his myrmidons unleashed.

finally, the other nations on this planet must wake up. admit that the usa and its allies are their enemies. that the usa[in concert with other nations] has become the rejuvenation of hitler's reich.

and must be exterminated.

the new nuremburg. i have a little list. it reads like this....

george herbert walker bush
james baker
brent scowcroft
henry kissinger
david rockefeller
jay rockefeller
richard cheney
donald rumsfeld
paul wolfowitz
douglas feith
condi rice
richard perle
general peter pace
general abizaid
general schoonmaker
general casey
general richard myers
george walker bush
elliot abrams
general richard eberhardt

PHILIP ZELIKOW[deserving of a special noose].


the only intelligent solution.

increasingly i find myself selecting wines based on the method of sealing.

the verget house of white burgundies, for example, has adopted the screw cap. my plaudits.

i wish more vintners would get with that methodology.

but, some must still think that a corkscrew[or an ah-so] is still mandatory for the wine experience. so, faced with the problems of tca-contaminated corks. the problems of the shortage of corks because of the oak cork blight, they have adopted hydrocarbon-based plastic corks. a horrible decision. because of they way they are dimensioned, the ah-so style extractors cannot be used. and with rare exceptions, conventional corkscrews do not like these plastic corks. and worst of all, a tool must still be used to open the bottle.

no, the screw cap is the best available technology. with but one proviso...if the neck of the bottle has somehow been broken, the screw cap twist can become a cutting experience. first time i ever encountered it... a plumpjack 2005 chardonnay at LUCQUES before christmas.

it was the first time that i had ever been served a screwcap wine at a restaurant. and he could not open it. i should have let him take it back. but, he was a waiter that i have encountered previously. whom i consider less than professional. so, i asked him for the bottle. oh, i opened it all right. and cut myself badly as the neck of the glass separated. since i don't think that i am that strong, my guess is that the bottle had been broken prior to that event.

the cut was in the web of the hand between the thumb and the forefinger. ouch. bled profusely. tough to staunch. almost impossible to bandage.

the waiter was almost less than helpful. eventually, after bleeding on napkins and bathroom towels, he brought me the chefs' tools, a spray bottle of instant bandage and bandages[after all, where else but in a professional kitchen does a cut repair kit hang-out?].

suzanne got it right. she comped the replacement bottle of wine.

still, screw caps should rule.


all the best for the new year.

was out in LA. thank god my brother in law has finally seen the light about the bushits. or perhaps we have just tacitly agreed to not discuss any relevant cultural, political, historical issues. my brother in law is so much like my dad in so many respects...i suppose that is why my sister married him. my dad was so clueless about some of the events that were happening during his lifetime. mike is much the same way.

upon reflection, that is the reason, undoubtedly, that we, as a nation, keep playing the same skipping groove of national behavior.

i refuse to watch some things. i don't do bullfights. i don't do cockfights. i suppose that my innate pacifism and fair play is what eventually caused the usmc to abandon its efforts to convert me into a murdering bastid.

i have seen some still photos. i have read today's nyt article on this episode in the continuing war crime. reads as if the psychopath president and his band of psychopaths continue to astonish with the monstrous level of their criminal bungling.

the harvard business school will never live this bungling gangster down. reveals what small beer a harvard mba really is.

but i suppose that corporate courtiers will continue to purchase that acronym from the harbus. but now we know that it is just a degree for sale[i.e., if george walker bush received an MBA from the harbus, then any resident of the bridgewater facility for the mentally defective, and criminal, with enough money, should be able to acquire that acronym for his cv].

george walker bush has been remarkably educational, don't you think? he has instructed the world that though the usa is a gangster country, it is ruled by an inept bunch of gangsters. he has revealed to all the world that at its core, the usa is a banana republic, has always been a banana republic.

and he has instructed the world that an MBA from harvard doesn't mean a damn thing other than this....if you can afford it, you can have it.

before the 2000 election, it was my opinion that george walker bush was the spawn of satan. but living through his regime, watching him, i have amended that appraisal. now, i am convinced that george walker bush is the product of an eugenics[breeding] program that went awry. much like dollie the cloned sheep, george's synapses aren't all connected.

perhaps that is why he is so opposed to stem cell research. somewhere he remembers his petri dish and knows that it went terribly wrong from the start. and he wants to prevent that from happening to anyone else.

nah, simpler explanation....spoiled, a bully. never accomplished anything. bar muscled everything for him throughout his life.

my favorite image is of usama, saddam, chandra levy drinking margaritas and eating shrimp around the pool of their compound. along with all the passengers of the four airliners of 11/09/01. it is a special place. impossible to access. impossible to escape from. much like the retirement village in the prisoner. i can think of a number of locations for such a controlled adjunct of gitmo. if not in a suburb of gitmo, then possibly in this south amerikan country that the bushit family's good friend and financier now controls - uruguay. or perhaps alfredo's old shelter for nazi's - paraguay. and then there is chile. even though the gangster general has gone south, there are aspects of chile that inform me that certain nazi attitudes persist...and i can assure you that there is plenty of territory suitable for hiding more than 500[muse on the children of god cult, for example].

that would be the most extraordinary rendition of the era....all the passengers spirited to a compound[s] out of sight, out of mind. and perhaps that would explain why virtually none of the survivors of the airliner victims accepted any settlement monies, why none of them were/have been as energetic in calling for an investigation as were the survivors of the wtc victims.

personally, with the exception of the deaths of iraqis and uniformed and sandline-style amerikan murderers[and mercs of other nationalities], i have thought that much of this episode is/has been theatrical...the acme of orwellianism. that the capture of saddam was as fraudulent as the destruction of the saddam statue in baghdad. as fraudulent as the notion of commander in sockstuffed codpiece piloting the plane that landed him on the carrier.

and people ask me why i refrain from reading fiction.

[to be continued?]