Sunday, April 30, 2006


this is the one that did it....

at least after calling rohrschac roarshit and posting this, i became banished. makes me wonder, is rohrshac a nom de plume for duncan black. so it goes!

i always like those canadians that hide canadian realities.

tell me please, why did canada join with france and the usa to effect a coup in haiti? removing jean bertrand aristide.

why did canada join with the usa,france, brazil, and chile i think, to energize death squads so as to eliminate the anti-letorteau[sic] aristidists?

why has it been that the canadian govt[supposedly leftist] has harbored letorteau[sic]in ottawa since the election of the aristidist, preval?

you canadians like to promote the idea that you are somehow independent of the evil empire. but, i keep finding you acting as amerikan lackeys..running dogs.

i think of somalia.

of afghanistan.

and of haiti, of course. what is it about haiti that provokes canada to join the usa in killing that country? of being a janjaweed in the western hemisphere?

you purport to be some king of anti-statist, some kind of anti-bushit.

so, tell us, why is it that canada joins in with the bushit to murder haitians, murder afghanis.

more to the point, tell us why the canadian intell services participate in echelon. why the canadian police state enlisted to join the cia with ewen cameron in montreal doing his usa-financed psychic-driving experiments on unwitting citizens of the usa.

and tell us, please, how the canadian sas has been invested into iran. for months the canadian sas has had its subalterns in the northeast of iran. why?

yet, i read you as if canada is the holiest of countries. how much compensation do you receive from the canadian govt?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


dear prof. nadler:

i caught your interview on ATC this evening.

it propelled me to look up your cv. pretty impressive.

but, i am compelled to ask, for a woman as provably intelligent as you must have been, may still be, why do you think the events of 11/09/01 were the results of terrorist attacks?

is it just convenient for you to accept the propaganda? or are you an academic attorney[as opposed to a criminal trial attorney] who can excuse the destruction of evidence, the destruction of chain of custody? or are you just a citizen who prefers to overlook the outrageous prevarications that the usg has propounded concerning the events of that day?

many days out of the year, i function as a forensic metallurgist. i care to inform you that the only truths that we know about that day are these......

1. wtc 1, 2, 7 collapsed as if in a controlled demolition.

2. something collided with terrain at the pentagon, but it is highly doubtful that it was a boeing 757 airliner.

3. perhaps some aircraft collided with terrain outside of shanksville, pa. but the official story that the earth swallowed up the evidence is utter rubbish.

succinctly, the usg's story for the events of that day is the most fanciful, outrageous conspiracy theory ever devised.

and i would have thought that an attorney, especially a professorial attorney at a very prestigious law school, someone who should have as good a grasp on facts[the discipline of empiricism] as i have, would have pondered the usg's conspiracy theory and found it lacking in any foundation[proofs].

so, i found it quite unseemly when i heard you discussing the testimony of victims of 09/11/01 "arab terrorist attacks" trotted out in the moussouai trial by the doj[i prefer dop].

have you ever thought what evidence has been proffered to sustain the notion of "hijackings"?

cell phone calls from some of the airliners. i am still bumfuzzled as to why this "proof" goes unchallenged in the msm. i have to tell you, everyone in the wireless industry knows that this aspect of the usg story is a lie. you cannot conduct cell phone conversations from airborne aircraft traveling linearly at normal cruising speed at any altitude. circling a cell tower, as long as your altitude was below 5,000-8,000 ft, yes a connection could be established and sustained. BUT THE AIRCRAFT FROM WHICH CELL PHONE CALLS WERE MADE WERE NOT FLYING THAT WAY THAT DAY.

now, do you know why you cannot make a cell call from an aircraft that flies faster linearly than 150nmph? it is because the handshaking required to make a connection with the cell tower cannot occur...traveling at speeds way in excess of 150nmph, before handshaking can occur, the aircraft has traveled out of the cell towers range.

as of this date, the only proofs proffered for any hijacking are cell phone calls that could not have been made. you are an attorney, a professor of law, how do you arrange this grotesque fiction in your mental schema? how is it that you describe the events of that day as "terrorist attacks" when there has been no valid evidence ever presented that any "terrorists" hijacked any aircraft that day?

by the way, years later, cell phone calls can still not be made from airliners traveling linearly at cruising speed. at any altitude. and you could know that if you followed technology and the efforts that have been made over the last few years to enable cell phone calls from airliners using satellites. as of this date, this technology has not been implemented. there are large numbers of we passengers who do not relish the idea of having the joker in the seat next to us yelling into a cellphone for hours.

so, throw out the usg attempt to use cellphone calls from airliners as any valid proof. once you do that, counselor, there is no proofs of any hijackings.

well, that is enough for now. perhaps if you have any legitimate interest in reality, we can discuss jet A fires, structural steel, et alia.

if i can capture your curiosity, if i can complete this dialogue, perhaps you will become a voice of intellectual honesty, rather than a trumpet of cant.

before i close, can you tell me how moussouai has been incarcerated? has he been subjected to sleep deprivation techniques? and other abu ghraib-like abuses? as if a resident of mt carmel outside of waco, was he bombarded by tapes of the cries of dying animals? succinctly, did the usg drive him mad? personally, understanding the usg as i came to know it, i know that they "brain-f*cked" him. and i think that you know that, too. if you do, why do you refrain from speaking out?

in closing, do you even consider these realities as you arrange your personna?

or do you just parrot the usg propaganda?

do any pro bono defense work, by the way?

would appreciate your reply, prof.
it is interesting. so many exhorted me to stop posting on eschaton and start my own blog. i resisted that.

but i became banished. so i started my blog. goes unread, i think.

my take on the matter is that neither daily kos nor eschaton relished a poster who told the truth about the demtillians.

here is how it will be working. the demtillians are not opponents of fascism. they are reptillians manque.

as long as you support the dnc, you will be fostering amerikan fascism.

if you want to change the future, you will have to alter your allegiances.

i know, you hate to hear it. hear it.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


so they wish to tarnish the real patriots, do they.

i hear that the reptillians[and too many demtillians] are willing to denounce tony zinni. a 4-star marine. he knows the gyrations of the civilian leadership - the gyrations to create war, the killing of young marines.

it is an old story.

one told decades ago by maj gen smedley darlington butler[usmc, last of the two time medal of honor winners]. WAR IS A RACKET.

his rendition of amerikan imperialism deprived him of the honor that he deserved, commandant. herbert hoover denied him that honor because of his opposition to the amerikan cossacks[led by dugout doug] being called out to oust the bonus marchers.

in addition to butler, my hero was david monroe shoup. medal of honor as a colonel at tarawa[betio island]. a member of jfk's jcs. an opponent of fomoco's urge to go to war in seasia. after the "hit", lbj tried to get shoup to re-up[unprecedented at the time] as commandant. to have done so would have indicated that shoup agreed with the invasion of vietnam.

shoup didn't agree with that program. he retired.

and spent many years of his retirement opposing the invasion of vietnam. and died in ignominy.

some like to think that the nyt, the wapo have only recently become latter day die sturmers. that would be incorrect.

streicher runs those journals.

i miss you david shoup. you were the last of the members of the jcs that told the truth.


so they wish to tarnish the real patriots, do they.

i hear that the reptillians[and too many demtillians] are willing to denounce tony zinni. a 4-star marine. he knows the gyrations of the civilian leadership - the gyrations to create war, the killing of young marines.

it is an old story.

one told decades ago by maj gen smedley darlington butler[usmc, last of the two time medal of honor winners]. WAR IS A RACKET.

his rendition of amerikan imperialism deprived him of the honor that he deserved, commandant. herbert hoover denied him that honor because of his opposition to the amerikan cossacks[led by dugout doug] being called out to oust the bonus marchers.

in addition to butler, my hero was david monroe shoup. medal of honor as a colonel at tarawa[betio island]. a member of jfk's jcs. an opponent of fomoco's urge to go to war in seasia. after the "hit", lbj tried to get shoup to re-up[unprecedented at the time] as commandant. to have done so would have indicated that shoup agreed with the invasion of vietnam.

shoup didn't agree with that program. he retired.

and spent many years of his retirement opposing the invasion of vietnam. and died in ignominy.

some like to think that the nyt, the wapo have only recently become latter day die sturmers. that would be incorrect.

streicher runs those journals.

i miss you david shoup. you were the last of the members of the jcs that told the truth.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


it has been a long time that i listened to anything other than jass.

i suppose that for reasons having something to do with the bushit impulse for destroying the planet, i have resurrected my interest in more classical forms of music.

the first bit that recaptured my interest was mozart's final piece, the requiem mass. though now banned from eschaton, and probably as erased as kos expunged me, i care for you to recall my proposition that sussmayr had nothing to do with its composition. listen to it after listening to the mass in c minor, k.427 and the clarinet concerto in a, k.622.

amazingly sublime.

and then there was this encounter with a french bit of sony reissues of george szell and the cso and the beethoven symphonies. and the piano concertos with leon fleisher. in the mid-1950's - late 1960's fleisher was arguably the best pianist in north america. i have always considered his recording of the brahms piano quintet with the juilliard the finest version of this fiery bit of chamber music.

and so, i have turned away from jass for a while. to rediscover the other bits of music that so captured me long ago.

garrick ohlsson and his concentration on all of chopin's works.

alfred brendel and his recordings of the beethoven piano sonatas.

maria joao pires and her recordings of the schubert impromptus.

and opera. some weeks ago, i caught the met doing st. saens' samson et delilah. what great music.

and yesterday, the met did mozart's marriage of figaro. i have never heard of any of the principals before. but it was a splendid, strong performance.

for reasons inexplicable, i decided to spin wagner's tristan/isolde tonight. placido domingo as tristan. a performance at the royal opera house in covent garden. and so fine.

we're lost as a country, you know. i suppose that it why i am seeking this solace in great, majestic, heart-rending music.

the lunacy of george walker bush is not uniquely his madness. neither is it the lunacy of the republican party.

all the occupants of the asylum are to blame. and of course, that means that the demtillians are no more interested in reversing this slide down the razor blade[as tom lehrer styled it] than are the reptillians.

it has ever been thus, i think. very few individuals in the congress with intellectual honesty, moral courage.

in my youth, only wayne morse, ernest gruening. today, in my advancing dotage, only dr ron paul.

and even dr paul is scared to discuss the reality of aipac and the bribing of the congress.

let us understand how it works....israel is a money launderer. egypt is probably one, too.

it works this way...the us congress funnels lots of money to these countries[the govts of which would not survice without amerikan largesse]...they are, i think, the largest recipients of amerikan financial assistance.

then israel/egypt return some percentage of this largesse to the members of the usg. that is what has allowed this alliance to continue for so many decades.

if you talk about this system of graft and extortion, of course, you are an anti-semite.

that characterization silences most opponents of the zionists.

certainly it destroys their access to the public proscenium.

i recall what my opposition to the zionists provoked at eschaton. perhaps that is what eventually caused my banishment.

i shall reiterate what i never retracted...the israeli govt and its idf[the jewish ss] has been engaged in a genocidal war for over 50 years. and the zionist mafia that controls the amerikan media will do anything to kill that sty.

as lyndon would say, the zionists have all pols' peckers in their pocket - they own 'em.

amerikan pols jump to the mossad squeeze. they have to. because they have been recipients of mossad money launderings. because they have been subjects of mossad honey traps.

no one wants to discuss it. but i shall. the mossad has been capturing amerikan congresspersons just as if they were the kgb.

i could say so much more. but would you listen?

Saturday, April 22, 2006


it has been a long time that i listened to anything other than jass.

i suppose that for reasons having something to do with the bushit impulse for destroying the planet, i have resurrected my interest in more classical forms of music.

the first bit that recaptured my interest was mozart's final piece, the requiem mass. though now banned from eschaton, and probably as erased as kos expunged me, i care for you to recall my proposition that sussmayr had nothing to do with its composition. listen to it after listening to the mass in c minor, k.427 and the clarinet concerto in a, k.622.

amazingly sublime.

and then there was this encounter with a french bit of sony reissues of george szell and the cso and the beethoven symphonies. and the piano concertos with leon fleisher. in the mid-1950's - late 1960's fleisher was arguably the best pianist in north america. i have always considered his recording of the brahms piano quintet with the juilliard the finest version of this fiery bit of chamber music.

and so, i have turned away from jass for a while. to rediscover the other bits of music that so captured me long ago.

garrick ohlsson and his concentration on all of chopin's works.

alfred brendel and his recordings of the beethoven piano sonatas.

maria joao pires and her recordings of the schubert impromptus.

and opera. some weeks ago, i caught the met doing st. saens' samson et delilah. what great music.

and yesterday, the met did mozart's marriage of figaro. i have never heard of any of the principals before. but it was a splendid, strong performance.

for reasons inexplicable, i decided to spin wagner's tristan/isolde tonight. placido domingo as tristan. a performance at the royal opera house in covent garden. and so fine.

we're lost as a country, you know. i suppose that it why i am seeking this solace in great, majestic, heart-rending music.

the lunacy of george walker bush is not uniquely his madness. neither is it the lunacy of the republican party.

all the occupants of the asylum are to blame. and of course, that means that the demtillians are no more interested in reversing this slide down the razor blade[as tom lehrer styled it] than are the reptillians.

it has ever been thus, i think. very few individuals in the congress with intellectual honesty, moral courage.

in my youth, only wayne morse, ernest gruening. today, in my advancing dotage, only dr ron paul.

and even dr paul is scared to discuss the reality of aipac and the bribing of the congress.

let us understand how it works....israel is a money launderer. egypt is probably one, too.

it works this way...the us congress funnels lots of money to these countries[the govts of which would not survice without amerikan largesse]...they are, i think, the largest recipients of amerikan financial assistance.

then israel/egypt return some percentage of this largesse to the members of the usg. that is what has allowed this alliance to continue for so many decades.

if you talk about this system of graft and extortion, of course, you are an anti-semite.

that characterization silences most opponents of the zionists.

certainly it destroys their access to the public proscenium.

i recall what my opposition to the zionists provoked at eschaton. perhaps that is what eventually caused my banishment.

i shall reiterate what i never retracted...the israeli govt and its idf[the jewish ss] has been engaged in a genocidal war for over 50 years. and the zionist mafia that controls the amerikan media will do anything to kill that sty.

as lyndon would say, the zionists have all pols' peckers in their pocket - they own 'em.

amerikan pols jump to the mossad squeeze. they have to. because they have been recipients of mossad money launderings. because they have been subjects of mossad honey traps.

no one wants to discuss it. but i shall. the mossad has been capturing amerikan congresspersons just as if they were the kgb.

i could say so much more. but would you listen?

Thursday, April 20, 2006


this site will lead you non-believers to the greater truths concerning the canadian, amerikan genociding in haiti.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


i would like to go back and restore some of my posts concerning yellowcake.

concerning the invasion of iraq.

having been banned, i would like for the accuracy of my analyses to be remembered. well-regarded.

but, that is probably wishful thinking.

i have identified myself as a forensic metallurgist. actually, i am much more than that.

let's just say that i am a manufacturer. using specialty grades of steel. nickel. gold. palladium. platinum. copper. alumina.

do you have any understanding as to what is happening with the prices of these raw materials? what will continue to be happening?

do you understand how your world is going to be going upside down within weeks.

how you will become impoverished?

i have prepared. yet i am terrified. the usa seems not to have a clue.

why is that? i think it is because the fascist press refrains from telling the truth so as to make the gangster know-nothing president continue to look good.

i find it astonishing that journals that purport to be analytical, the wall street journal, the financial times, whistle in the dark - avoid reporting reality.

doesn't that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling. the financial press being pr handouts for the most ignorant, the most corrupt presidency since the years of lyndon johnson.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


long ago and far away, i had this girlfriend.

her dad was a frenchman. enlisted by patton as a part of his g2. he may have been responsible for the breakout through the bocage.

after that war, he went to work for the united nations.

some of you may know graham greene's novel THE COMEDIANS.

it was a story about haiti. duvalier's haiti. the terror state. the era of the tonton macoutes. my girlfriend's family were featured in the novel. anonymously.

these days, i think that few know that history of the usa and haiti.

it was never easy in haiti. the usa was always energizing the suppression of the haitian populace.

and that pogrom has always been pursued without scrutiny. why?

ike creating, financing duvalier. kennedy continuing the duvalier pogrom.

lbj, rmn, gf, jec, rr, ghwb, wjc, gwb all continuing the pogrom of killing haitians.

in our backfuckingyard, folks.

who can tell me why? who can explain this homicidal lunacy?

who can tell me why the canadians joined in?

under that purportedly leftist gov of paul martin.

let us consider the windward passage for a moment. gitmo is on the western side of that alfred thayer mahan choke point. if fidel is such an enemy, why does he allow that us base to continue to exist[as it has since his insurrection in 1959]?

pondering on that strategic bit of real estate, you might almost think that fidel was our stooge. he is, you know.

on the eastern flank of the windward passage is haiti. do we continue to think that we need to control this bit of water? and do we need to control it?

the mahanists would assert that we need to control certain choke points in the hemisphere. the florida straits. the windward passage.

grenada.puerto rico.

on the other hand, we seem to have had no reluctance to give the control of the panama canal to the prc.

but i conclude this way, in haiti, for decades, the usof amerika has energized genocide. a story that goes undiscussed. unexamined. by all complexions of fascists: reptillians, demtillians.

and the amerikan electorate appears to countenance that pogrom.

why? what is it about haiti that causes the usof amerika to foment the mass murdering of haitians? and what is it that causes purported amerikan peaceniks to ignore those crimes, that pogrom?

what is the story, here?

Monday, April 17, 2006


i think it sad.

when banishment occurs, i think the banisher owes the banished an explanation. and should announce the banishment to its audience.

though israelites made many efforts to describe me as an anti-semite, i always stood my ground. an anti-israeli i am. an anti-semite i am not.

i asked that little small d democrat markos why i was erased from his site. after years of posting. no answer. his webmaster told me the story.

doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about democraps.

so, i moved my involvement to atrios. once again, many efforts made to describe me as an anti-semite. for years duncan repudiated those zionists who wanted me banned for my posture concerning israel.

and then i became an enemy of rohrschach[sic] [ i called him roarshit] who decided not to like my posts concerning haiti.

within hours, i was banned. as if i were a troll.

what is really shitty is that duncan refuses to answer me as to why.

and that is the problem with the left. as censorious as the right. in fact, worse.

though an anti-fascist for many years, i have discerned that the atrios, kos blog sites are not anti-fascist. they are fascist sites looking for a victory. ? uber alles.

what is it about haiti?

years ago i concluded that the usa worked to destroy haiti because haiti was its black equal. rascist amerika did not want that to be recognized.

let us recall how amerika became amerika.

there was this crazy bastid by the name of napoleon bonaparte. he owned haiti.

and then there was this black george washington, toussaint l'ouverture. who orchestrated a slave revolt. imagine, a black insurrection. and l'ouverture and his slaves defeated a napoleonic army of more than 20,000.

this is what caused napoleon's sale to jefferson of the louisiana territories.

yet, in this evil empire, this story of a black insurrection is ignored. in fact, the usa has been energetic in killing the inheritors of that triumph for decades.

i think of ike and his creation of duvalier.

all the whiteys have worked assiduously to kill the story of l'ouverture.

it is as if no one is to know that black men and women were as successful at defeating the ancien regimes as the white men and women of the north amerikan continent.


so, it would seem to be the case that the patsy, moussaoui, became deranged since his incarceration.

i am not a student of the conditions of his incarceration, but i have to wonder if those conditions were designed to drive him crazy.

for instance.....

were the lights on all the time?

was the cell so small that he couldn't stand?

was he deprived of excursions into the fresh air, into daylight?

was he deprived of all human interaction?

in other words, was his captivity designed to so destroy him that he would do, say anything, so as to end his torturous incarceration?

if this was his situation in captivity, then his defense lawyers, failing to introduce that, would seem to have been functioning as surrogates for the prosecution.

i understand why moussaoui would do anything to gain release from the torturings of the stalinist bushit regime. not to be executed would be to be the man in the iron mask for the rest of his years.

in a following essay, i think i shall discuss my intersections with usa-sanctioned torture. previously, even brief disquisitions gained me banishment at dailykos and atrios. even the amerikan left ain't anti-fascist. but you know that, don't you?

just consider bill and hillary.

so it goes.

basta yo!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


someone once asked me, WHAT IS FORENSIC METALLURGY?

i responded this is the practice of scientific investigation into failure events: why things fail.

the focus of such an investigation is almost always a catastrophic failure - always involving loss of property. sometimes involving loss of life[lives].

as a rule, the reasons for such failures are limited to these few culprits....

1. intrinsically failure-prone[i.e., bad] design.

2. unsatisfactory, unsuitable, defective materials.

3. negligent management of manufacturing: no relevant quality control.

4. negligent application/usage of otherwise well-designed, well-constructed materials.

perhaps you can visualize how this investigational discipline can be extended to the analysis of the management of a country.

more to follow....

Thursday, April 13, 2006


i have probably decided to enter into this blogventure because i have been banned from blogging communities that i posted on for years.

i learned that steve gilliard erased me from dailykos because i went after him for some of his nonsense. that access was granted him by markos. a very censorious fellow, apparently.

some weeks ago, i discovered that eschaton had banned me. for reasons undisclosed. though i was never a troll, there were more than a few who likened my critiques of sharon's israel as being anti-semitic. perhaps the b'nai b'rith lobby finally was able to jump my bones. and duncan black kowtowed.

on the other hand, perhaps my banishment was the result of my criticism of john aravosis - who wrote a strange[and unseemly] paean to cap weinberger upon the occasion of cap's demise.

or perhaps it had something to do with my attempts to air the amerikan, canadian, french, brazilian, chilean crimes in haiti. there was this guy, who i call roarshit, who became all outraged because i introduced this topic on an open thread.

who knows the reason[s]. duncan ain't responding to my emails. sadly, he hasn't enough backbone to answer me. so it goes.

i shall close with the story that the left hates to consider - HAITI.

why are we committing crimes every bit the equivalent of the crimes of the sudanese janjaweed in this western half of hispaniola?

and why is it that these crimes cannot be aired?

sudan can get ink. haiti is a crime unaired. for what reason[s].?

why are france, canada, usa, brazil, chile engaged in a genocidal war on haiti?