who could that woman be?
the newly elected president of Chile - Michelle Bachelet.
consider, this woman is visiting DC and a president who is as much a fascist as those puppeteers in the USG who caused the murder of her father.
ponder on that for a moment. her father, a general in the Chilean air force, who opposed the 11 September 1973 coup[initiated, facilitated by the USG using the ONI, principally, but all the other intell assets, CIA, of this evil empire]. her father, an individual [not unlike general carlos prats, general rene schneider who believed in the defense of that consitutional republic, one of the oldest in the hemisphere] seized by the american-orchestrated junta, then executed.
even more reprehensible is that she comes to "make nice" to the resident whose father, as DCI, was responsible for the first real terrorist action in the USA. surely, you know the story... orlando letelier, before the USA-orchestrated coup, was the chilean defense minister, foreign minister, ambassador to the USA.
after the USA-instigated coup, letelier is tortured then incarcerated on the concentration camp on dawson island. eventually, he is released into exile. he is granted sanctuary in the USA, but is kept under close surveillance.
he decides to do all he can to defeat the junta. and he does that under the umbrella of the institute for policy studies.
some days prior to 26 september 1976, agents of the chilean secret police/intell services[DINA] are allowed into the USA.
one of these agents is a citizen of the USA, michael townley. there are many of us who believe that he was seconded to the DINA by the US INTELL SERVICE.
perhaps you know how this story ends....townley and his associates[cubans by the way, with long association with the bush family] plant a remote control bomb under the vehicle being used by letelier and his associates, US citizens.
the chevelle was driving along embassy row. passing the chilean embassy, entering sheridan circle, the bomb was detonated, from within the embassy.
orlando letelier was assassinated. ronni moffitt[a US citizen was assassinated]. her husband, michael, survived.
following this act of state-sanctioned murder[terrorism] the USG went way out of its way not to pursue the perps. clearly the "hit" was approved at the highest levels of the US INTELL SERVICES, AT THE LEVEL OF THE POTUS.
so, tell me, what is this woman thinking about by coming to the USA to genuflect to the son of her father's murderer. the son of the murderer of her father's friend.
phil wylie would be labeling her a viper. does anyone disagree? if so, tell us why you disagree.
the newly elected president of Chile - Michelle Bachelet.
consider, this woman is visiting DC and a president who is as much a fascist as those puppeteers in the USG who caused the murder of her father.
ponder on that for a moment. her father, a general in the Chilean air force, who opposed the 11 September 1973 coup[initiated, facilitated by the USG using the ONI, principally, but all the other intell assets, CIA, of this evil empire]. her father, an individual [not unlike general carlos prats, general rene schneider who believed in the defense of that consitutional republic, one of the oldest in the hemisphere] seized by the american-orchestrated junta, then executed.
even more reprehensible is that she comes to "make nice" to the resident whose father, as DCI, was responsible for the first real terrorist action in the USA. surely, you know the story... orlando letelier, before the USA-orchestrated coup, was the chilean defense minister, foreign minister, ambassador to the USA.
after the USA-instigated coup, letelier is tortured then incarcerated on the concentration camp on dawson island. eventually, he is released into exile. he is granted sanctuary in the USA, but is kept under close surveillance.
he decides to do all he can to defeat the junta. and he does that under the umbrella of the institute for policy studies.
some days prior to 26 september 1976, agents of the chilean secret police/intell services[DINA] are allowed into the USA.
one of these agents is a citizen of the USA, michael townley. there are many of us who believe that he was seconded to the DINA by the US INTELL SERVICE.
perhaps you know how this story ends....townley and his associates[cubans by the way, with long association with the bush family] plant a remote control bomb under the vehicle being used by letelier and his associates, US citizens.
the chevelle was driving along embassy row. passing the chilean embassy, entering sheridan circle, the bomb was detonated, from within the embassy.
orlando letelier was assassinated. ronni moffitt[a US citizen was assassinated]. her husband, michael, survived.
following this act of state-sanctioned murder[terrorism] the USG went way out of its way not to pursue the perps. clearly the "hit" was approved at the highest levels of the US INTELL SERVICES, AT THE LEVEL OF THE POTUS.
so, tell me, what is this woman thinking about by coming to the USA to genuflect to the son of her father's murderer. the son of the murderer of her father's friend.
phil wylie would be labeling her a viper. does anyone disagree? if so, tell us why you disagree.