Wednesday, March 07, 2007


FAITH is a powerful force. and in the history of humankind, faith has, more often than not, squelched reality.

bruno was subjected to the stake because he refused to relinquish/renounce his empirical observations...observations that contested the worldview of the FAITHFUL, observations that were more accurate than the doctrine of the FAITHFUL.

the events of 11/09/01 appear to stimulate a similar hatred amongst the FAITHFUL for those who question the bushit catechism.

now, i think that there is no sense in arguing with these two crazed individuals. arguing with idiots is a fool's game.

i learned my lesson on this score when i posted my analyses of the completely bogus bushit assertion that saddam and iraq were acquiring yellowcake and constructing nuclear weapons. perhaps these two crazies were some of those who attacked me then.

concerning that issue, you had to be monstrously ignorant to believe that iraq was engaged in the construction of nuclear weapons.

similarly, you have to be monstrously ignorant to believe that the events of 11/09/01 occurred as the bushit regime told you that they occurred.

and had any investigation of the "collision with terrain" sites occurred, i think that we would know the dimensions of the deception.

for so many years[since the beginning of aviation], aircraft accidents have been investigated. with such regularity that i had come to an understanding that aircraft investigations had to be examined, and that the examiners had instant control of the accident site.

and perhaps that was the way it was until the formation of the NTSB. though the investigation protocols for the NTSB investigations of aircraft accidents would dictate a comprehensive examination, TODAY i discovered that there is an interesting escape clause in the protocols that prohibits the NTSB from controlling an accident site, if other authorities have taken control.

undoubtedly that is why joe albaugh's FEMA prepositioned itself in lower manhattan on 10/09/01. it was there to take control of that "collision with terrain" site.

that operation, secret for some months, was styled as OPERATION TRIPOD[1,2,7]

was it just joe albaugh's[a bushit acolyte and an iraqi profiteer] FEMA alone that took control of the site? no, ashcroft's FBI was a co-conspirator.

and that is how it was that the NTSB was prevented from conducting an investigation into the WTC catastrophes.

the NTSB was also prevented from investigating the pentagram accident site. as well as the shanksville site.

i thought that the prevention of this investigation would have required a residential order. apparently not. all that was required was the seizure of the accident site[s] by a law enforcement entity[FBI] and the NTSB could be excluded.

and that is what happened.

that is why the amerikan public have no empirical proofs of what happened that day.

and we know how diligently the bushit regime fought to prevent any investigation. and when the jersey girls finally forced one on them, i think most of us know it was a "fast-food" investigation. no nutrition.

two aircraft, carrying less than 10,000 lbs of jetA[kerosene] could not have caused the demolition, the freefall of the towers into their footprints.

no aircraft colliding with wtc 7, there is no other explanation for that building's collapsing into its footprint other than a controlled demolition.

no 757 collided with the pentagram. no matter what they tell you.

and shanksville. just another lie.

and the american public are realizing this now. they know that they have been lied to by the bushit regime so as to implement the invasion of iraq.

but there are these disinformationists that will say anything, anywhere to try and keep the populace enlisted in the imperialist objectives.


Blogger MK said...

I recall reading that the FBI took control of the Wellstone crash site...arriving by car in such a timely fashion that they had to have left before the plane itself did.

3:40 AM  
Blogger Al Coa said...

perhaps these two crazies were some of those who attacked me then.

Ahh, the martydom complex. Everyone is out to get you, right? What drivel. How about just responding to my rebuttals of your points? To much trouble? Your peon to FAITH sounds a bit self-reflective to me.

For your information I am an Independent who voted for George Bush’s opponents in both elections. In fact I never vote for Republicans. I was fiercely opposed to the illegal invasion of Iraq and remain opposed to the continuation of the war to this day. I never believed that Iraq posed any sort of threat to this country nor that it was still actively seeking to produce nuclear, chemical or biological weapons following its expulsion from Kuwait.

concerning that issue, you had to be monstrously ignorant to believe that iraq was engaged in the construction of nuclear weapons.

Why do you need to change the subject? Please! Let’s debate the EVIDENCE related to the events of September 11, 2001. I’d love for you to present an actual factually based argument that could be even remotely plausible. It’s the hope of that that keeps me coming back here. Please.

and had any investigation of the "collision with terrain" sites occurred, i think that we would know the dimensions of the deception.

You continue to assert that there was no investigation but that is false. Of course it’s requisite to your contention that the truth was covered up so to abandon it would unravel everything you have convinced yourself of. More FAITH on your part.

for so many years[since the beginning of aviation], aircraft accidents have been investigated. with such regularity that i had come to an understanding that aircraft investigations had to be examined, and that the examiners had instant control of the accident site.

Key term here – ‘accidents’. What occurred on 9/11 was not an accident. There were no malfunctions with the planes. They were intentionally crashed. It was a crime. Not an accident.

TODAY i discovered that there is an interesting escape clause in the protocols that prohibits the NTSB from controlling an accident site, if other authorities have taken control.

Escape clause? How cute the way you frame things. Of course an organization like the FBI is going to have authority over a crime scene such as those that occurred on 9/11. You’d have to be an idiot to think the NTSB would be leading the investigation.

undoubtedly that is why joe albaugh's FEMA prepositioned itself in lower manhattan on 10/09/01. it was there to take control of that "collision with terrain" site.

Another assertion made on FAITH. How surprising. You suppose they had to rush in there before the NTSB took control of the site and kept FEMA and the FBI out? LOL!

that operation, secret for some months, was styled as OPERATION TRIPOD[1,2,7]

You are a kook. TriPOD, Trial Point-of-Distribution, a simulated response to a biological attack conducted by FEMA. Originally scheduled for September 12th, 2001. In NYC! Surely that proves a conspiracy!

was it just joe albaugh's[a bushit acolyte and an iraqi profiteer] FEMA alone that took control of the site? no, ashcroft's FBI was a co-conspirator.

You mean in addition to the FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATIONS responded to, and took control of, a disaster scene that resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and a major crime scene! Surely there’s a conspiracy here. One would naturally expect the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD to take charge in such a situation!

and that is how it was that the NTSB was prevented from conducting an investigation into the WTC catastrophes.

Again, there was no need for an NTSB investigation. The causes of the crashes were never in dispute. The planes were intentionally crashed.

i thought that the prevention of this investigation would have required a residential order. apparently not. all that was required was the seizure of the accident site[s] by a law enforcement entity[FBI] and the NTSB could be excluded.

Is that an admission that you were WRONG? There’s hope yet. The seizure of a crime scene by the FBI would only seem unusual to someone like yourself who for no other reason than FAITH believes that the government commited the acts of 9/11.

that is why the amerikan public have no empirical proofs of what happened that day.

And so here we get to your ultimate cop-out. There is no evidence to support your FAITH based version of events because the evidence was destroyed by the government. Almost as convenient for your FAITH based delusion as FEMA being in Manhattan on 9/11/2001 for a disaster preparedness drill.

Everyone is out to get you AND you have no evidence because it was all destroyed.

Got it.

two aircraft, carrying less than 10,000 lbs of jetA[kerosene] could not have caused the demolition, the freefall of the towers into their footprints.

The fires fueled by the jet fuel and the contents of the offices as well as the structural damage done to the buildings by impact with the planes initiated the collapses. The towers demonstrably did not fall at free fall rate. That is false. They also did not fall ‘into their footprints’. This is simply a canard latched onto by nuts like yourself. It has no basis in reality.

no aircraft colliding with wtc 7, there is no other explanation for that building's collapsing into its footprint other than a controlled demolition.

According to who is there no other explanation? More FAITH?

no 757 collided with the pentagram. no matter what they tell you.

Inspite of the physical evidence? FAITH again.

and shanksville. just another lie. FAITH.

but there are these disinformationists that will say anything, anywhere to try and keep the populace enlisted in the imperialist objectives.

And you expose the mechanism of your FAITH. Your political objectives. You have a political agenda and believing in this massive conspiracy by the government makes it easier for you to advance your agenda.

Again, I feel pity for you.

6:47 AM  
Blogger Al Coa said...

I recall reading...

I recall reading about elves and hobbits but that doesn't mean they actually exist.

...that the FBI took control of the Wellstone crash site...arriving by car in such a timely fashion that they had to have left before the plane itself did.

Man, these guys try awful hard to do stupid stuff that's gonna give away their massive conspiracies.

Well, the official NTSB (You know, the group that was prohibited from investigating 9/11? The ones who could have shead light on what really happened? Those guys.)report doesn't mention any interference from the FBI. It doesn't mention the FBI at all. What it does mention is that the pilot had expressed reservations about the flight because of weather concerns. And it lays out in detail what they believe happened BASED ON THE EVIDENCE. Pilot error.

Also, no talk about any energy pulse weapon being used to bring the plane down. Although it would seem a no brainer that they would actively seek to rule that out.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Al Coa said...

now, i think that there is no sense in arguing...

I agree. It makes much more sense to simply debate the facts. There really is no need to argue. But no one else who comments here, Albert included, seems interested in FACTS.

...with these two crazed individuals. arguing with idiots is a fool's game.

Sadly, I have come to that conclusion.

I have offered you many opportunities to explain the numerous gaps, leaps of faith and inconsistancies in your BELIEFS about the events of 9/11 and you have neglected to act even once to defend your BELIEFS with FACTS.

And let me end by saying I find it incredibly hard to believe that someone who identifies himself as a forensic metallurgist could so poorly demonstrate his intellectual and mental abilities as he does on this blog if he is indeed who he claims to be.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Al Coa said...

On Monday, September 12, 1994 Frank Eugene Corder crashed a Cessna P150 into the south lawn of the White House killing himself and slightly damaging the White House.

No NTSB incident report was issued.

Was this another conspiracy?

10:08 AM  
Blogger Al Coa said...


Since your objections to the the collapse scenerio as presented by the NIST seem to be wholly based on your desire to believe otherwise there is no way to engage your opinion.

Sad way to go through life.

1:27 PM  

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